A Comprehensive List of Brands Owned by Black and other POC

In light of the recent, blatant exclusion and racism committed by e-commerce powerhouses like H&M and Revolve Clothing, I've decided to come up with a list of brands that you can support right now, owned by minority folks and POC. The fact of the matter is, when you aren't given a seat at the table, you might have to build your own damn table.... In all fairness this was not an easy list to compile, which I believe speaks to lack of visibility and opportunity given to these brands within their respective industries. My hope is that together, we can grow this list to at least 100 brands. Take a good look at the list and I'm confident you will find what you're looking for. Truth is, we otchea y'all. We'd love it if you emailed us or left a comment with any additional options! -C